Sunday, April 19, 2009

juicy fart (re-mix)

tracking will continue today for our ambient album... in fact, we only have one more "song" left that requires any live performance... the rest of our work will be field samples, studio samples & tape archives that need final placements w/ the rest of the album.
since we've been mixing each "track" as we go, we could very well have a finished product by the end of the day.
but we'll see... at the very latest, we'd finish it next weekend. any way you look at it, we'll finally have a proper follow up to "WRITE ME IN METAL/MAKE ME FOREVER". and it only took 4 years!

1 comment:

  1. fyukkin FINALLY! if it's anything like that show you did at Mohawk (was it even Mohawk back then?) i'm in. good thing i dropped in to see if there was anything going on in the BD camp.


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