Sunday, March 22, 2009

album update, part 2-ish

so... we went into the studio last week, so maurer could lay down some sweet, sweet sounds. looks like we'll just have one more weekend left, and the album should be done!
in the meantime, we're working on field samples, other sounds, and most of all... the transitions between the "songs", and the ambient beds that will go on top, or under these "songs"...

for most outsiders, this must be very, very confusing.
and i'm not sure when we want to reveal details about the record.
again... sorry.

also, we're still kinda getting used to getting ourselves back out into the public eye, so to speak. i know most of you thought we'd hung up the towel, but in truth, we've been secretly writting, and demoing this record (and the other one we're working on) for about two years... but it wasn't until a month ago that everything started coming together for us.
it was one album, that was getting too big for it's own good, and ur producer finally got us to sepparate the two. thank god!

now we're on a nice creative roll.
everything is coming together just fine.

it feels good to be back.
bayta darell loves you all.

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